Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I Finally Did It!

Hello all! I'm David Cottingham. This is my first blog. It took me a long time to do this because of one sole reason...I don't really like to type. But, Russ has been doing this for a while and Raney is up to about 5 posts, so I thought shit, maybe I should get into the mix. So here I go.

Well, about me...I'm the original founder of Twenty One Productions, the independent film company that Russ and Raney are currently blogging about. I've produced 11 films (2 features, 9 shorts). 7 of the films were completely produced by us, and with the immediate partners such as Post Time Productions, Filmburn Studios, and Dynamix Productions. I have the fortunate job of deciding what film we do next. Obviously, Russ and Raney have a significant vote on the next film, but the bottom line is that I will do the film that I think will tell the best story. All the films we've done are the stories I've wanted to tell. Some have been personal stories, some inspired stories, and the others just stories we felt contained good characters and dialogue. We've made some film festivals, sold some DVDs, but overall, I think we haven't made the breakout film yet.

That's what we're working on now. As Russ has blogged about, we are in pre-production of our next feature film, Bone China. But, I will say that just recently, we have decided that yes...we are doing another Star Wars film. We have the script (Thanks to Raney), I'm working on a cast (someone famous to make a guest appearance), and I'm thinking of a title. From what we've talked about, it's probably going to be tentatively called Episode III.VIII. It's going to take place somewhere around 3 or 4 years before Episode IV. We haven't narrowed it down yet, but we will here soon. I feel really good about it because of all the success we've received from fans all over the world (yes, The Unknown Discovery showed in Glasgow, Scotland). It's been really good to us, it's increased our hits, opened us up to a much larger audience, and basically put us on the internet map. It's because of film that we've taken on this new Internet craze for the company. We're blogging, we're advertising, and most importantly, we're podcasting.

Now, I really enjoy the podcasts. I feel it to be way more effective then the blogs because you get a chance to really get to know us as people. We basically talk the same as if there weren't microphones in our face. We just talk, and it's real, very real. I've started listening to some other podcast and that's what I find to be the best ones. The ones that are real, just people sitting around and talking about movie, TV, whatever, not really thinking about who's listening or who's not. I think we're doing two podcasts a week because we really enjoy doing them, probably more then we should.

So, anyway, for someone who doesn't like to type, I actually have typed a lot more then I wanted to. So, in closing I'd like to say Thank You to all of you out there, wherever you are, Thanks for listening, reading, and supporting us. WE CAN'T DO ANY OF THIS WITHOUT YOU! And to my partners, Russ and Raney, who may not read this, but anyway thanks guys for all your hard work. Everything is going GREAT! I'll try this again sometime soon. But don't hold your breath.


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